Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 – How To Change Skaters


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 has a number of skaters available within it got you to choose from beyond the titular Tony Hawk, but you may not realize how to change them out at first. While this is a pretty easy thing to do, it is not very apparent from the start unless you are really paying attention. That is why we have created this guide to help you figure out how to do it anytime you want.

How To Change Skaters

Picking which skater you want to use in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 seems like something that would pop up when starting up one of the levels in the game, but this one handles it a little differently. By default, you will always be Tony Hawk from the beginning and will be him until you change him. To go about doing this, you must be on the main menu first and then press Y on Xbox One or Triangle on PS4.

You will notice this icon is listed next to the name of Tony Hawk on the bottom part of the image above, but you may not have even noticed that prior since it’s not normally where you’d be looking to switch. Once you hit this button, a new menu will pop up that has the list of skaters available that you can choose from.

From here, you can choose any of the skaters that were included in the game, with 21 at base available not including the pre-order character or unlockables. On top of that, you can also create a skater here as well if you want to have your own custom option in the game.

One thing to remember when changing skaters though is that the Stat Points that you collect throughout the stages are exclusive to that one skater, so you will be moving to a much weaker skater than say Tony Hawk if you had been using him for awhile and pumping up his stats with the points.
