Destiny 2: How to Get Spectral and Manifested Pages


The Festival of the Lost is back again in Destiny 2, and players can earn Spectral and Manifested Pages this year that can be exchanged for unique rewards. As always, Festival of the Lost involves completing normal activities to earn Candy and other rewards, all the while Guardians are wearing masks of their favorite Destiny characters. This year, players can enter a new playlist that sends them to Haunted Sectors, and Spectral and Manifested Pages are the two main items that people are seeking out during this event. Here’s how to earn Spectral Pages and Manifested Pages during Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost.

How to Get Spectral Pages

Spectral Pages can be obtained by completing any activity while wearing a Festival of the Lost mask. To obtain a mask, speak to Eva Levante in the Tower courtyard and begin the quest “Gone But Not Forgotten.” The first step of this quest is to obtain a mask, and the second step is to obtain 3 Spectral Pages and 100 Candy. This will unlock Haunted Sectors, which come into play later.


Spectral Pages are a very common reward, and most activities reward multiple of them. The best ways to farm Spectral Pages are Strikes, Public Events, and Crucible game modes. Each of these will reward you roughly 3 Spectral Pages per run and you’ll also get a bunch of Candy depending on how many enemies you defeat, so take your pick and start grinding.

How to Get Manifested Pages

After you obtain some Spectral Pages, you can transform them into Manifested Pages to earn unique rewards and lore. After unlocking it, jump into the Haunted Sectors playlist in the Tower and search for a Summoning Ritual. When you find one, stand in the designated area until it’s complete. You’ll be attacked by spooky enemies called Headless Ones, and each one you defeat will transform one of your Spectral Pages into a Manifested Page.


Slaying Headless Ones is the only way to earn Manifested Pages, so be prepared to run the new Haunted Lost Sectors fairly often. Once you have Manifested Pages in your inventory, head back to Eva Levante at the Tower to spend them on Festival of the Lost rewards. You can use them to add new pages to the Book of the Forgotten, which contains several new lore entries. Filling up the Book of the Forgotten is the main grind of this year’s Festival of the Lost event, and the pages don’t come cheap.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia.
