Pokémon Go Egg Glitch Lets Players “See Inside” Eggs


A Pokémon Go player on Reddit has discovered a glitch that allows the player to “see” inside their eggs before they have hatched. Pokémon that hatch from eggs in Pokémon Go are usually a mystery and are picked from a pool based on the distance the player has to walk to hatch it, a mechanic implemented by Niantic to encourage players to walk and explore. However, instead of just viewing the egg itself in the ‘Eggs’ screen, a glitch causes the model of a Pokémon to appear in the same spot.

The ‘Egg Glitch’ was posted on the subreddit r/PokemonGo by user ‘Azazicc‘ with the humorous caption “I think I know what I’m gonna hatch from this egg“, alongside a screenshot of an unhatched 10km egg meshing with the Generation 5 Pokémon Darumaka. Darumaka is a Pokémon that is currently able to hatch from 10kms, so players were eager to find out if there was truly was a Darumaka inside when the egg hatches. “Keep me updated on what it is, it would truly be amazing if it were a darumaka.”, user ‘Adudewhosadudeforfun’ comments, with the original poster replying “It’ll be hatched by the end of today so I’ll post a comment about it. Idk how the coding works to cause this but I feel like it would make the most sense if it was a darumaka tha[t] hatched.”

u/Azazicc revealed in the comments section that the egg glitch was not as it originally seemed. It turned out that they actually hatched the Pokémon ‘Audino’ after walking the required 10 kilometres needed to hatch the egg, instead of Darumaka.

Other Pokémon GO players in the comment section have also reported experiencing this glitch, with the same unfortunate result of hatching a completely different pokemon. User ‘Longcoldstare’ believes that the glitch is caused by viewing the Pokédex straight after hatching an egg and the Pokémon that appears in the glitch is actually the Pokémon that the player hatched last.

Pokemon Go eggs have been under criticism from the community for quite some time, due to the randomness of what the player will receive. Players will often complaining about spending real-world currency on incubators, only to hatch something they deem useless. Niantic recently introduced more transparency to eggs (albeit not literally, unlike this glitch), by implementing a way to see what Pokémon could potentially hatch from the selected egg, with a tier system based on rarity.

Prepare for October by visiting our guide on October Spotlight Hours in Pokémon Go, or read up on brand new information revealed for Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

Pokémon GO is available for free on iOS via the App Store and Android via Google Play & Galaxy Store.
